Monday, October 29, 2012

A Trip to Disneyland

Back when I was younger I always loved Disneyland, it was my favorite place to go on vacation/ I loved getting away and experiencing shows and rides and a lot of other things that you couldn’t do while you were at home. I still remember how excited I would get when my parents told me we were going to Disneyland. One time in particular, when I was about six years old, my parents told me we were leaving for Disneyland the next day. I was really excited to go and ride the rides.
The next day we started packing our bags for the trip. We all scrambled to get everything we needed for the plane ride and for the trip. We arrived at the airport then went through security and got on the plane. When we arrived in California I was very excited. We drove over to the hotel and got checked in and put our luggage in our rooms. After that we all got in the car to drive over to Disneyland.
We parked our car and took the shuttle over to the park. When we got off the shuttle I still remember the sight of the park. When we got inside the first thing we did was take a picture, then we went and ate some lunch, and then it was off to ride rides. I had an extremely fun time with my brothers and parents while we were walking around experiencing all kinds of different rides. We were all having a really good time.
After we had a chance to ride the rides we wanted that day, we went to one of the firework and character shows. These shows got very crowded, and they were at night, so it was very dark. I remember I was walking with my family on the way to the show in a huge crowd of people. I got sidetracked because I saw some cotton candy and I wanted to get some, but when I looked back to ask my dad if he could buy me some, I couldn’t see him anywhere. I got very frightened very quickly. I frantically searched around looking for anyone in my family but I couldn’t see anything because it was too dark and it was way too crowded from everyone gathering for the show.
I didn’t know what to do, so I started to cry, I had no idea where to go or how to find them. As I was walking around crying, I had caught one of the amusement park worker’s attention. She came walking over and asked me what was wrong, I told her the whole story and she immediately took action. She grabbed my hand and walked me over to a high point on a bridge to look for my family. As I searched, my mom and dad walking around searching for me caught my eye. I told the worker that I saw them and she took me down to them, me and my family were both so relieved. We thanked the worker and watched the show.
Throughout the rest of the trip I remembered to stay with my family no matter what after this experience. It taught me that I shouldn’t get distracted in big crowds. This was a very scary experience for me when I was that young. It scared bad enough to make me always stay with my family in any situation that I could get lost in. I still liked going to Disneyland, I was just more careful from then on.


  1. You've always got to be careful in Disneyland! You could try spacing the story out a little more.

  2. Disneyland is a great place, but can be scary.

  3. I still remember when this happened, so glad we found you.

  4. tmi toomany details about going there lessen a little

  5. thanks for the help and ill give full creited to you sorry abiut it but i need help so bad and thanks again

  6. this is a failure as an essay


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