Monday, October 29, 2012

Messing With Bees

When I was about eight years old me and my friend Brady would always fill up a kiddy pool with water and swim in it. We did this about ten times each summer. Sometimes we would get bored of just sitting in a small pool swimming. So we would get out squirt guns and all types of things to keep us entertained. We would have squirt gun fights and play catch with water balls. We would have a great time.
            There was on day in particular that me and Brady decided we wanted to do something else. We thought about many different things we could do, but none of them sounded very fun. As I was sitting there thinking, Brady suggested we hunt bees. There were nests of them all over by the pool. It sounded like a fun idea to me, so we got squirt guns and tennis rackets and readied up.
            We started by finding a small nest and spraying it with water so all the bees flew out. As all the bees flew away from their soaked nest, me and Brady swatted them with the tennis rackets. The first nest was easy to get all the bees since there was only a couple. We were both having the time of our lives hunting bees. But we didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into.
            We kept finding bigger and bigger nests of hornets. We would soak the nests and then the hornets that were all stirred up flying around our heads. When the bees got low enough, we would swat them with the rackets and send them to the ground. We took out a lot of bees, and we were also having a lot of fun at the same time. After we had cleared out most of the nests, we found a huge one with a ton of bees on it. We both shot at it with the squirt guns, but this time, there were way too many bees for us to handle. They all came flying out of the nest furious. We tried to swat them with our rackets but there were just too many. We ended up getting stung at least five times each.
            After this experience we still would fill up the kiddy pool and swim. We would still shoot each other with squirt guns. We would also still play catch with water balls, but we would never again hunt bees after being stung so many times. We both learned our lesson not to mess with something that outnumbers you and can harm you.

My Mother

One person that I have always been able to look up to has been my mom. She has always been there throughout my whole life helping me. She always puts me first and drops everything she is doing for me. She is very loving and kind to me. I am very grateful for her in my life. I don’t think I would be able to make it without her. She always pushes me to do my best and helps me get through tough times.
            My mom is a very kind and loving person. She is always asking how I am doing and making sure everything is alright so that I can have a good life. She is very kind to me even when she gets a little upset with me, she will always be by my side helping me get through my challenges and adversities. I love how she is always there ready to help even if she is in the middle of something. She is a very caring person.
            My mom is also always pushing me to do my best. She is always trying to get me to do my schoolwork and to play hard in my sports. She is always pushing me to do better in all of my activities. She always wants me to succeed in everything that I do. She will do anything she can to help me out. She always puts me first and I really like how she is willing to help me whenever. It has really helped me in my life to have her there to comfort me.
            I have always been able to look up to my mom. She is always positive and in a helping mood. She is always setting the right example for everyone. She is a great person to look up to because of how nice and loving she is. Also because she will do everything she can to help. Whenever I am sick she always drops what she is doing and helps me get feeling better. Whenever I am feeling down from something she is there to make me feel better about it. I really enjoy having a wonderful mom to look up to.
            Having this type of mom has helped me a ton throughout my life. It really helps me to        know that there is someone there for me all of the time. She has helped me through a lot in my life. It has made me always look up to her and try to be like her to other people. She has helped me be a better person in my life. It is good having a mom like her to look up to.


One of my favorite places that I have ever visited is Jamaica. The reason I say this is because the land was so new and like nothing I had ever seen before, also the people there were extremely nice. Another reason why it is one of my favorite places is because of all the activities you can do there. Jamaica is a wonderful place that everyone should get a chance to go to. It is a great place to get away from your normal lives and see a beautiful country.
            I love how the first time I got to Jamaica, how awesome everything was. Everything was new or something that I hadn’t quite seen before. Shops all over the streets, colorful plants, people singing on the sidewalks. When we first got there we went on a tour around the whole area we visited on a bus. I loved all of the sites and shops and people I saw. It was very fascinating to see all of this new stuff. It made me think of how cool it would be to live there.
            Another thing I really liked about Jamaica was the people. They were all so nice to us. Whenever we would enter a shop they would greet us and ask us friendly questions. They were very kind to all of the tourists and visitors that came in. Even the people on the streets were nice, they would greet you or ask how you are doing. Also, there are people playing songs all of the streets there with a smile on their face. It made us all feel really welcome there.
            I really like all of the activities that were available in Jamaica. We went on a bus tour around the area. We did a hike up a very beautiful river. We visited tons of various shops and stores to find cool things to bring back home. We also went to the beach and swam and sat in the sun. It was an extremely fun place to be. I really liked how there was always an activity for us to do.
            Jamaica was a great place. It made me realize that the people there may be a little less fortunate than us, but that doesn’t mean they are bad people. They are all the same as us. I liked how there was so many different things to do there. I also loved how cool it was to see all of the new stuff that I had never experienced before. That is why Jamaica is one of my favorite places I have ever visited.

The Abandoned House

I have always loved going to my friend’s cabins. I have been to a couple different cabins that some of my friends own. There is one cabin in particular that I have been to quite a bit of times. This cabin is very fun, you can go four wheeling, shoot shotguns, hunt birds, take hikes, drive to town and get ice cream, and many other fun outdoor activities. I loved going to this cabin because there was a lot to do. You never got bored because of all of the activities that were available.
            One thing that we did every time we went to the cabin was go to the abandoned house. It was a small old house down the road about a mile that nobody lived in. It was a very creepy looking house. There are also a lot of stories about the house being haunted and such. Every time me and my friend went to his cabin, we would go over to the abandoned house and look around. We would look through the windows and search around the yard for a bit and then head back to the cabin.
            I remember one time, on the drive over to the cabin, me and my friend were talking about finding a way inside the abandoned house. We thought about several ways to get in, trying the doors, climbing in a window, and other ideas. When we arrived at the cabin, me and my friend did some four wheeling and shooting. After that we decided to go to the abandoned house and try to get inside. We told my friend’s mom that we were going and she had us come inside and eat really quickly. After that, we headed for the house.
            When we arrived, we immediately started searching for a way in. We tried the doors and looked for any opened or unlocked windows. We couldn’t find a way in, but then I looked and the old wooden stairs up to the back door, I showed my friend and then we both slowly walked up. I twisted the knob to find that it was unlocked, we had gotten in. As I stepped in the old house I noticed a very foul odor, but thought nothing of it. Me and my friend looked around for a little bit until we heard a noise downstairs. We both stopped dead in our tracks and looked at each other scared out of our minds. We both then looked down the staircase, and couldn’t believe what we saw. A man in a scary mask looking right at us, as soon as we saw this we both sprinted for the door and ran straight down the stairs and straight to the four wheeler. We drove back to the cabin as fast as possible.
            When we arrived at the cabin we ran in and told my friend’s mom what had happened. Right after we told her, she started laughing, and said “We got you guys!” Right after that my friend’s dad walked in with the scary mask in his hand laughing at us because of how scared we were. After that we had all had a laugh. This experience scared me and my friend into never going to the abandoned house again.

A Trip to Disneyland

Back when I was younger I always loved Disneyland, it was my favorite place to go on vacation/ I loved getting away and experiencing shows and rides and a lot of other things that you couldn’t do while you were at home. I still remember how excited I would get when my parents told me we were going to Disneyland. One time in particular, when I was about six years old, my parents told me we were leaving for Disneyland the next day. I was really excited to go and ride the rides.
The next day we started packing our bags for the trip. We all scrambled to get everything we needed for the plane ride and for the trip. We arrived at the airport then went through security and got on the plane. When we arrived in California I was very excited. We drove over to the hotel and got checked in and put our luggage in our rooms. After that we all got in the car to drive over to Disneyland.
We parked our car and took the shuttle over to the park. When we got off the shuttle I still remember the sight of the park. When we got inside the first thing we did was take a picture, then we went and ate some lunch, and then it was off to ride rides. I had an extremely fun time with my brothers and parents while we were walking around experiencing all kinds of different rides. We were all having a really good time.
After we had a chance to ride the rides we wanted that day, we went to one of the firework and character shows. These shows got very crowded, and they were at night, so it was very dark. I remember I was walking with my family on the way to the show in a huge crowd of people. I got sidetracked because I saw some cotton candy and I wanted to get some, but when I looked back to ask my dad if he could buy me some, I couldn’t see him anywhere. I got very frightened very quickly. I frantically searched around looking for anyone in my family but I couldn’t see anything because it was too dark and it was way too crowded from everyone gathering for the show.
I didn’t know what to do, so I started to cry, I had no idea where to go or how to find them. As I was walking around crying, I had caught one of the amusement park worker’s attention. She came walking over and asked me what was wrong, I told her the whole story and she immediately took action. She grabbed my hand and walked me over to a high point on a bridge to look for my family. As I searched, my mom and dad walking around searching for me caught my eye. I told the worker that I saw them and she took me down to them, me and my family were both so relieved. We thanked the worker and watched the show.
Throughout the rest of the trip I remembered to stay with my family no matter what after this experience. It taught me that I shouldn’t get distracted in big crowds. This was a very scary experience for me when I was that young. It scared bad enough to make me always stay with my family in any situation that I could get lost in. I still liked going to Disneyland, I was just more careful from then on.

Broken Collar Bone

Broken Collar Bone
            One day, when I was five, I was at the park with my friend watching his sister’s soccer game. Me and him decided to go over to the toy instead of watching the game. We walked over to the school toy and started playing on it. We were having a lot of fun, but I didn’t know what was going to happen in the next couple minutes.
            We made our way over to the monkey bars to climb across them. As I began to grab the bars and cross I lost my grip on one of the bars and fell right on my shoulder, fracturing my right collar bone. I was in a lot of pain and started rolling on the ground, I didn’t know at the time what was going on. My friend as soon as possible ran over and got his mom and told her what had happened. She came over and helped me up and walked me to the car and took me to my mom who took me to the hospital.
            When we arrived at the hospital I was greeted by a nice doctor. He asked me what happened and what hurt. He gave me something to help the pain and then gave me a sling and showed me how to wear it. He also told me about how long it would take to heal. He told me to try not to move it or use it at all.
            This injury could have been prevented in a couple of different ways. Like if me and my friend hadn’t decided to go over to the toy. We could have decided not to go to the game. Another way this could have been prevented would be if we hadn’t decided to go over to the monkey bars in the first place.